Midwifery Care
Experience Matters
Fara Bitter is a Licensed Direct-Entry Midwife and a Certified Professional Midwife in Ogden, Utah.
She is dedicated to providing expert compassionate care to clients who are looking for an alternative experience from hospital and busy birth center practices.
With over 25 years experience our knowledge brings safety to home birth. At each visit we spend time getting to know what is important to you. We schedule adequate time to spend time with each person, no rush.
Your Investment:
Complete Birth Package with Office Visits
Complete Birth Package with Exclusive Home Visits
Complete Birth Package includes:
Personalized Prenatal Care
Labor and Birth Services
Newborn and Postpartum Care
See details below.
See our comparison chart to help you decide what is best for you!
By Popular Demand Here is a link comparing home birth exclusive visits to office visits.
The only difference is where prenatal and postpartum appointments are held,
the birth package perks are the same.

Prenatal Care
Most clients begin care as soon as they find out they are pregnant. ​
Prenatal Care is included in the package
Prenatal care includes:​
1-Hour Non-Rushed Appointments
Unlimited Prenatal Care Visits (typically around 13 appointments)
Kids welcome to all appointments
Prenatal and Home Birth Preparation Guide Book
Prepare for your best birth with our 50 page booklet full of tips and tricks for a healthy, positive birth experience!
Routine Prenatal Blood Work PLUS Functional Labs
Initial Compressive Prenatal Panel and Functional Labs including Antibody Screen, CBC, STD testing, TSH, T4, A1C, Vitamin D, Progesterone, and much more.
28 - Week Glucose Screen, CBC and Ferritin
36 - Week GBS swab, CBC and Ferritin
(Additional Non-routine bloodwork can be billed through insurance.)
Additional testing includes, not limited too.
​- Thyroid Cascade Profile
- Sneak Peak ( gender testing after 7 weeks)
- AFP (alpha fetoprotein) Genetic Testing done between 16-18 weeks. Tests for spina bifida, trisomy 21 and 18 and neural tube defects.
- Natera NIPT Genetic Testing (done after 9 weeks)
Nutritional Education and meal planning for a healthy pregnancy, labor and birth.​
Prenatal Exercise Program tailored to each semester. Linked to faster, easier births.
Breastfeeding and Feeding Education
Latching Techniques​
Breastfeeding Preparation
Online Education
Community Resources
Free Book to get you off to the right start
Ultrasounds (non-diagnostic with the Midwife). These ultrasounds are optional and can be used for clients to take a peak at baby, determine fetal position and verify cardiac activity.
​They do not replace dating ultrasounds, 20-week anatomy scans other diagnostic ultrasounds.
Sibling and Family Adjustment Tips and Tricks
Clinical care including an evaluation of vitals, listening to fetal heartbeat, measuring of the uterus for growth and palpation of fetal position.
Throughout your care we provide informed consent and trauma informed care.​
Birth Preparation Education Includes:
Optimal Fetal Positioning​
Pressure Points
Labor support and tips
Free use of The Birth Deck: 50 Ways to Comfort a Woman in Labor, Book and labor cards. Perfect birth prep materials that complement all birth programs.
1-HR Birth Childbirth Education Class
Tips for involving partners
Incorporating kids into the birth experience
FREE - Build Your Nest Postpartum Planning Book
We care about your mental health, we provide frequent screenings and provide community resources to support you as you welcome a new baby.
Lending library
NST Testing, if needed

Labor and Birth Services
Your birth is all about you!!
Midwife on-call 24/7 starting at 36 weeks
Free Deluxe Birth Kit and Rental (value of $250.00)
Labor and Delivery Medications
Birth team including myself and 1-2 assistants.
Freedom to move and birth as you wish.
No routine IV's
​FREE Birth Pool Kit Rental (kit comes with everything you need for a waterbirth. Including pool, pool liner, hose, facet adapters, pump, and pool rope lights for a relaxing ambience.)
Comprehensive Skilled Newborn Exam
Newborn Medications (included and optional)
Newborn Tongue Tie Evaluation
Newborn Footprint Keepsake
​Support of birth plans and birth preferences.
​Postpartum Tea Bath for after you give birth and tea for your perineal bottle to speed up healing.
Nipple cream to help get breastfeeding started off right.
Postpartum Fuzzy Socks
Posh Peri bottle
Chocolate for after the birth
Arnica: a homeopathic to aid the healing process
Perineal Ice Pack Pads.
Free Breastfeeding Book​​​
Unlimited skin-to-skin with baby
Freedom to invite supportive family and friend and have your kids present if you would like.
We clean up after the birth, deflate the pool and start a load of laundry on our way out.
We provide postpartum and newborn directions and handouts when we leave.
Midwife access 24/7 for any questions or concerns after you have your baby.
For your comfort in labor we provide:
Tens Unit use
Use of birth stool
Pressure point hand comb
Tennis massage balls
Counter pressure
Freedom of movement
Guided Relaxation
Pressure Points, and much more.

Postpartum and Newborn Services
We offer premium care to you and your baby for 3 months after the birth!
All of our visits include both the mom/client and the baby.
Free Build Your Nest Booklet!
Unlimited Postpartum visits.
Standard schedule is as follows:
1-2 day visit
4-5 day visit
2 week visit
4 week visit
6 week visit
8 week visit
12 week visit, if requested.
*Including any needed breastfeeding support visits and baby weight checks. ​
Diastasis Recti Screening
Mental Health Screening
We provide unlimited Breastfeeding Support
Postpartum Fitness Program
Standard Newborn medications and testing are included and optional.​
State Filing of Birth Certificate and other vital records.